onLol, time for another short randomness. Today, I was thinking about how Makefiles didn't have to be used for compiling programs, that they could be used as a recipe for anything. Then I thought, "I know! Let's make a cake using a Makefile!" :)
all: cake topping  $(COMBINE) cake topping topping: butter milk brown_sugar salt  $(ADD) butter 115g  $(ADD) milk 60ml  $(ADD) brown_sugar 220g  $(ADD) salt pinch  $(BOIL) 3m cake: wet_mix dry_mix  $(COMBINE) wet_mix dry_mix  $(BAKE) 350F 75m  $(COOL) 10m wet_mix: eggs sugar vegetable_oil vanilla  $(BEAT) eggs eggs eggs  $(ADD) sugar 400g  $(ADD) vegetable_oil 355ml  $(ADD) vanilla 10ml dry_mix: flour salt baking_soda  $(ADD) flour 375g  $(ADD) salt 6g  $(ADD) baking_soda 5g
The recipe described is the Caramel Coffee Cake from Wikibooks. Let it assemble before using the linker. Enjoy. Lol :)
A SIDENOTE: When writing this post, I was trying to indent the command lines in the Makefile so that it looked right, but I was tricked by my own code: My pre BBCode no longer preformatted the text, &nsbp; was converted into text, and the
indent trick messed up the formatting. I tried adding a BBCode that preformatted the text, but I was unable to commit as, on my development computer, I'm currently working on the new layout for Four Island. Finally, I thought of making a transparent image and putting it on Four Island Other. It workded. :)