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VisitorGrid Week: iPhone Interview

This post is the second day of VisitorGrid Week. For more information, read the post linked to right there.

Today I thought I'd vent some more of my anger towards Apple. It's time to be angry at the iPhone.

The iPhone.... GAH. It's so terrible, only an idiot would like it. So, naturally, I got an idiot to come in for an interview.

Hello Douglas, that is your name isn't it?




Ok. So, Douglas, why do you like the iPhone?


Because it has a touch screen.


But Douglas, the DS you are playing right now also has a touch screen.


And I like it! So I like things with Touch Screens. It's also the only iPod with a Touch Screen so far.


Um, Douglas. That's not exactly true. Ever heard of the iTouch?


They're made at the same time. They're the same thing except the iPhone has a phone.


Um.... ok. Any other reason you think the iPhone's good?


It's awesome.


That didn't exactly answer my question, Douglas.


It's a phone. It's the first iPod thing that's a phone. It's very new.


Um, that's quite apparent from looking at it. Well, iPod's are IPODs, not cellular phones. Why do you need an MP3 players with a phone in it?


Because then you don't need to buy a phone and an iPod. Then you just have an iPhone.


Well, that's a thingy. Anyway, thanks for coming today Douglas.


Your welcome.


Um.... that wasn't quite the answer I was expecting.


You scare me.


....Ok, this interview's over.


Well, as you can see, the idiot has some good reasons for himself to want an iPhone. Which means, that if you have these reasons.... well.... um.... runs away

NOTE: If anyone was offended by this post, I am sorry. I am just expressing my immense dislike of Apple. No idiots were harmed in the making of this post.

Hatkirby on November 17th, 2008 at 12:33:56pm
👍 -3 👎


I lurve Apple! Very expensive, but very nice. I want an iPhone! I just wish it didn't cost so much...

tamasys on November 17th, 2008 at 4:12:21pm

LOLOLOLOL, I know this post is two years old but it seems SO FUNNY considering that I now love iPhones (as well as most other Apple products) and indeed even have one :P

Hatkirby on September 15th, 2010 at 5:26:08pm
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