onOk, that was the LONGEST POLL EVER. Let's be afraid of the Poll Of The Four Months. And the paradox, how can you vote that you don't vote? Very strange, but at least Four Island's back up!
My Opinion - 22 vote(s)! No, even if I think "Yes" - 0 vote(s)! Yes, even if I think "No" - 2 vote(s)! I don't vote - 8 vote(s)!
For once, I've decided to run a weekly (as in, a full week, not once a week) special. Because of the How To Write a Good Blog Post tutorial I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I've decided to create a VisitorGrid.
I laid out the "wants" and the "needs" and then spent about 6 hours filling in the boxes. I filled them all out but two, and I chose 6 of the best ideas to actually implement.
Now, everyday this week (except Saturday, of course), I will be posting a post whose inspiration comes directly from my VisitorGrid. At the end of the week, on Saturday, I'll release my VisitorGrid so you can see the original ideas and the ones I decided not to do.
I hope this'll be a lot of fun!
EDIT: To JAL, Gryphic and Timbo94, I know your websites are down. Sooooorrry about that! I can't fix it tonight, but I'll try ASAP tomorrow! Sorry! I was tweaking :)
Blog posts tagged "special"
The Fourm* is here.....
I've created a fourm for the website. You can go to it, register for free, and post what you want. Please, do so, PLEASE!!!!
Oops, sorry about that. But I'm really excited about The Fourm. Look at the above screenshot. Anyway, please go and try it! I bet it will be a wonderful way to converse and yes...
*NOTE: I am saying Fourm on purpose. On the Fourm, you are supposed to say Fourm not forum. (Four, get it?)