HORRAY! My computer screen is fixed! This is soooo............. (At this point Hatkirby falls over and faints)

(Later...) OK... Anyway... in other news, I've put a new game up! It's located in the Windows Games section, though I guess you don't need Windows to play it. In fact, it's completely platform-notcaring! It's called the Impossible Maze! Go look at it!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 5 πŸ‘Ž

I have good news and bad news everyone! What do you want to hear first? The good news? OK! My computer's cracked monitor is finally going to be fixed! HORRAY! The bad news, Four Island will be temporarily down some time this week. Don't worry, it won't vanish, hopefully I'll have configured the down page properly and you'll be told that Four Island is temporarily down. I can't wait! A fixed monitor again! Sorry about the downtime, but it had to happen sometime, and the sooner, the better! What's the point of putting it off?

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 6 πŸ‘Ž

Time is literally flying by! And, if I won't get attacked by a mob of wild Spearows trying to gnaw my head off because I'm saying this too late, allow me to say, Happy Thanksgiving!. Anyway, back to the poll. This week, we only had four votes and there is a clear winner:

Point and click - 0 vote(s)! Escape the room - 1 vote(s)! Role Playing - 1 vote(s)! Other - 3 vote(s)!

In other news, as JAL has finally emailed me his logo for Wikipinia, the sign of PIN, his wiki is starting to show some progress! Stay tuned for more information!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 4 πŸ‘Ž

Horray! For all of those out there who need help, but lack the magic ingredient of a user account, I've added a ticket system! Click on the "Helpdesk" link in the Misc. Section on the HatNav.

The Helpdesk section allows you to create tickets which are protected by your email address and ticket ID. The tickets work in a thread-like style. I hope people find this useful because of the lack of proper documentation for things like Rubiwin and Tetrgi!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 3 πŸ‘Ž

Gosh, I think I'm updating a little fast now, don't you think? Anyway, another challenge has been released! (By the way, sorry about Lofofo, it's dead, but this one won't be, promise)

Do you like programming? Yes? (If you answer no to any of these questions you should skip this paragraph and the one following it) How about esotoric ones? How about HIGHLY esotoric ones? Still yes? Well then, have I got a treat for you!

I've a translator language (sorry guys, no compiler yet, will get there sometime) called Single Four AND IT IS INSANE. How insane? Well, let's take the example of the simplest program to code, a program that prints "Hello World!" to the screen and then quits. I managed to write that in Single Four, but even after I found a few tricks to lessen the size of the code, it was still 482 LINES OF CODE LONG! So, if you like languages that are a challenge to program in, go to the Challenges section and click "Single Four"!

(NOTE: If JAL is reading this, you still need to email me the logo you want for Wikipinia)

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 6 πŸ‘Ž

Another week already! And only 3 votes on the POTW! Anyway, here are the results:

Windows Programs - 2 vote(s)! Windows Games - 0 vote(s)! Flash Games - 0 vote(s)! Challenges - 1 vote(s)!

Also, I'm now hosting another site! Look for Wikipinia on the Hatnav, because JAL now has his own wiki!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 2 πŸ‘Ž

Well everybody, Project Lofofo has started! It's a whole new project for Four Island that will be incredibly fun and interesting. For more information, click on Project Lofofo on the HatNav, find it in the Challenges section, or goto http://lofofo.fourisland.com!

In other news, I've finally started to work on the Tetrgi Documentation again, so that should be finished within a week or four.

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ -1 πŸ‘Ž

Well, another Poll of the Week has come and gone, Minimsgs has vanished, and if that's not enough, there will be some downtime soon. The computer that is serving you this website has a cracked screen, and it is going to be taken in to be fixed some time in the coming week. During that time, you sadly won't be able to access Four Island, but we hope it gets fixed soon.

In other news, the Projects section is going to be split up! Four new links will appear:

  • Windows Programs
  • Windows Games
  • Flash Games
  • Challenges

We hope you like them, and if you are looking for them, Tetrgi will be moved into Windows Programs, and Rubiwin will be moved into Windows Games.

UPDATE: By the way, the results of the Poll of the Week are as follows:

Yes! - 4 vote(s)! It takes up space on the HatBar. - 0 vote(s)! groan - 0 vote(s)! Scrolling thing! - 0 vote(s)!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 2 πŸ‘Ž

Whew! Has it been one week already? So, here ends the first official Poll of the Week! Actually, it's still a day short, because this time I'm going away on a 3.5-day vacation tommorrow, so I thought I'd better update the Poll of the Day today.

Also, sorry for not updating KFM for a while. I'll do it now, but won't be able to over the vacation. I've wanted to make something that I could update without a computer (or a Blackberry...) And that comes to the third thing.

The little scrolling bar on the HatBar is called Minimsgs, I can update via my cellphone, and it contains just little tidbits of info. I hope you're interested! And maybe, sometime, I'll release info about how you too can add info to it!

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 2 πŸ‘Ž

Finally! A new item on the HatBar! Every week (hopefully), I will release a Poll of the Week, and you can vote on it! If you are a member you can also comment on it at its page. For more information, go to the Poll of the Week page on the right.

Hatkirby on
πŸ‘ 4 πŸ‘Ž