Blog posts tagged "projects"

Hmm, no one voted for Pillowcase? Interesting....

The Blog - 0 vote(s)! Pillowcase - 0 vote(s)! Endlenge - 1 vote(s)! Other (specify in comments) - 1 vote(s)!

Incidentally, I have just started working on Pillowcase's third season. I don't want to put a date up in case I can't make it, but expect Pillowcase to revive around the end of November. :)

Hatkirby on
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You may have heard of FourPuzzle. Sounds familiar, right? If it doesn't.... then you may have a point because I can't seem to find the post on Four Island about it. Anyway, FourPuzzle is my grand project. I know I already had a grand project that majorly failed, but I'm sure about this one. FourPuzzle is (going to be) a C++ library that allows you to easily make an RPG game.

"Right," you may ask, "but what does that have to do with the title of the post?" I'm getting to that. See, I started implementing FourPuzzle around November of last year. In Java. Yes, it was originally a Java library. When I had implemented about half of the specification, I came to an important realization. Java is slow. Mmmmhm. It's awesome library and cross-platformness came with a price. A price that didn't work out so well in a game.

So, I stopped development on FourPuzzle in March and sort of forgot about it. Then, when it became time for me to start working on my yearly RPG, I remembered FourPuzzle and though "Hey, it would be great to make this year's RPG in my own engine." So I started trying to implement FourPuzzle in various languages to see how it would work. C++ lasted about 5 seconds before I realized how complicated that would be. C#/Mono lasted a bit longer, but it simply wasn't cross-platform enough for me. Then, I discovered Qt.

Qt. Is. Awesome. It's a C++ library that I like to explain as "Java for C++, without the Java." It's cross-platform. It has a huge amount of classes and functions that I can use (some of which have names very similar to their Java counterparts. I mean, really, FontMetrics and QFontMetrics? :) ) It has a resource compiler. It has a UI designer. It has everything. I am in love. :)

I had previously disliked Qt for the sole reason that KDE was written with it. For those of you who don't know, I use GNOME. GNOME PWNZ. :) But Qt is not responsible for how it is used. Qt is awesome. And it will be used to implement not only the FourPuzzle library, but also an editor program that will allow non-techie people create a FourPuzzle game without having to touch a single line of C++. Stay tuned for details :D

Hatkirby on
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Okay, I know True Falsities has been dead since May. But I'm reviving it! True Falsities was once a fun and popular place where we all created weird stories that parodied ourselves and the metaphysical island we all live on and that was great. And yayish.

If I was asked why I thought True Falsities died, I would say because of the slowdown. At some point, I don't know when, True Falsities started loading VERRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY SLOWLYYYYYYY. Which made it impossible to use because it would be so annoying. Like, a lot. Well guess what! I've fixed it! Turns out IntenseDebate was the cause of the slowdown. I really don't know why, and now it's a bit annoying not having IntenseDebate on True Falsities because now I don't know if anyone's going to want to comment, but hey! As long as TF is back up :)

So, to celebrate to (hopeful) revival of True Falsities, I wrote a True Falsity! I actually had the idea months ago and only finished it today. It's called Drifty Revealed. I hope you people flock back to True Falsities now! :)

Hatkirby on
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Oh yes. I, the cooliest. Feelings so to be good appreciated, to be yes.

yes almightly starla, i worship your shadow - 4 vote(s)! It's disgusting stature makes me want to create - 0 vote(s)! Why does love always feel like a battlefield? - 0 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

As a sidenote, some of you fanatics may have noticed that Pillowcase stopped updated a few days ago. Sadly, due to unforseen circumstances, I have temporarily lost SSH access to my server and can't update Pillowcase as such, so I guess Season 2 is coming to an end. It was fun restarting my little random comic, and I can't wait to do it again in a month or so. PILLOWCASE FTW!

Hatkirby on
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Many people ask me repeatedly, "what's KSA?" Then I ask them how on earth they know that name, and they reply that I talk about it all the time. Then I feel weird for forgetting that. For some reason, I've always kept pretty much everything about KSA completely secret. But now, I'm going release that information and more.

KSA stands for Kirby Star's Adventures, and it was the first RPG I had ever made. What made it stand out from the rest of my old games was it's plot, which I fell in love with. The game reached lore status in my book and I was happy that I had managed to make such a good game.

Then there came that one fateful day in 2008. I was sitting in front of my old, dying computer. I had booted into a Linux OS from a floppy disk in an attempt to save precious documents from my doomed computer. As the hard drive started to crash, I frantically copied folders from the computer to my memory stick. Halfway through each transaction, the hard drive would spit out an IO error and stop copying. After this happening four times, the fragile hard drive uttered a final wheeze and crumbled into nothingness. My old computer, with so many important things on it, was dead.

When I returned to my normal computer later that day and checked what I had managed to save, I found two VB.NET games I had made, a copy of RM2K and a folder called "tehadks". I had interpreted that to mean "Teh Adventures of Kirby Star," and I was overjoyed that I had managed to save KSA from my dying computer. When I opened the project in RM2K, however, it became apparent that I hadn't. The Adventures of Kirby Star, while having a similar name to Kirby Star's Adventures, was a different (and not so legendary) RPG I had made back in the old day. I was defeated, my game lost to the void of electrons.

A few months ago, I was looking around in my home folder after my boot manager's configuration files got messed up and I was determining which files to save when I reinstalled the operating system. I came across the folder "pc2lap", astonishingly contained those four folders: "arden", "ARDEN UN", "progfil" and "tehadks". The sight of Teh Adventures of Kirby Star made me really miss KSA, so I decided that I would do everything I could to recreate it. Thus, the KSA Restoration Project was created. I wrote down everything I could remember from the game and then got my brother to do the same as he was a frequent player of the game. However, I wasn't yet motivated enough to do anything with that data.

Two months later, I came across the mind-dump and remembered KSA for the third time. This time, however, I was driven to recreate the game because of my fond memories of it. I did end up completing most of it, substituting forgotten explanations for humor (Kirby: ....well, Starla didn't tell me exactly what to do here so I guess we'll just do some random errands for you. Witch: Good, because Starla never told me how I got you to do said errands for me) but it just didn't feel right tarnishing the game's memory with something that might not have been as good as the original. Because of this, I stopped work on the project again.

However, all was not lost. Some of you may have seen my Facebook status update last week. If not, here it is:

Starla Insigna is freaking out with excitement because she just found a folder called KSA on her computer that could contain the real original KSA. I'm going over to Windows to check it out :)"

Starla Insigna

I had found "pc2lap" again and decided to do some sifting. The Arden games didn't turn up anything (other than the fact that my old VB.NET games' code was.... scary), but "progfil" (which I assume to be DOS' shortening of Program Files) did turn up something rather interesting. The only folder within Program Files that had started to copy over to my memory stick was one called ASCII, which is the company that made RM2K. I found an empty folder called "RTP" and one called "Project", which I had previously assumed to contain the RM2K example game, Don Miguel's Adventure. However, when I looked inside the folder, I was shocked and amazed to instead find a folder called KSA. I freaked out and restarted into Windows to see if it was, truly was, KSA.

The state of the project was similar to that of "tehadks", while all of the maps were intact as well as some of the resources, the database was gone. This meant that the game couldn't be played, though I still could open the game in RM2K and look through the maps. They were all there, completely intact, and I was so happy. All of the terrain, the characters, the conversations, the events, it was all there. The complete plot of KSA, as well as the original maps, were all at my disposal.

Because the original was unplayable, I decided that I would continue working on the remake. I wouldn't have to feel bad about ruining the memory because I now had the complete transcript of the original happenings. I even had the bright idea of letting you choose at the beginning of the game whether you would like to see the original dialogue or the humorous version. KSA will (hopefully) be fun when it is finished. So yippy yay yap, I can't wait to finish it and let you readers tell me what you think.

Hatkirby on
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Okay. I have big news. INSTADISC IS BACK. Well, it's coming back. After a half year hiatus while I felt sorry for myself (and worked on FourPuzzle which I never posted about), I finally thought of something. A way for InstaDisc to work.

I seem to recall InstaDisc dying because it's Push notification only worked for a VERY small number of people (a.k.a. just me) and without Push, InstaDisc was pretty much a highly convoluted RSS replacement. However, my work on FourChat, the Yaplet replacement that never really surfaced, led me to realize an alternative to server push.


Okay, it's not actually Reverse AJAX as I'm not using JavaScript, it's Comet. But I like calling it Reverse AJAX. Anyway, Comet is the way! I have been rewriting the InstaDisc Central Server in C++ and Comet seems to work perfectly. Yayfulness.

So, you may be wondering, when will InstaDisc be completed? Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I am actually already nearly done with Central. There are only 3 API functions that I haven't yet implemented and after that, there's just the testing period.

The bad news is, along with Comet, the InstaDisc specification has changed. A lot. Because of this, the Client will have to be majorly rewritten. I'm thinking of scraping the original code and staring over in C++. So that will probably take a while. Plus, the Update Servers will also have to be rewritten, but that's not much of a problem as they're small.

So, InstaDisc is back. YAY.

Oh, and by the way, Ohats Is So Dead.

Hatkirby on
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I would've posted this earlier, but I was busy.... breathing. Right, I was very busy inhaling and exhaling. Good for the respiration, you know. :)

Anyway, FOUR FICTION! It's a fiction archive! For Four Island authors! LIKE OMG TEH YAYNESS! sings a song about pillows

Right, well, I don't know how much more I can say about this.... Oh, and, I won't be able to post a link to it the sidebar yet because I'm currently working on a new layout for Four Island.... Oops, shouldn't've (???? that works much better in speech) said that.... um, don't tell anyone, right? :)

Hatkirby on
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Just a quick notice about Endlenge: Two weeks ago, when Endlenge started, I said that I was going to rapidly release puzzles until May 30th, and then I'd release them on either a weekly or a bi-weekly schedule. First of all, I already broke then schedule: I didn't stop rapidly releasing puzzles until June 7th. Second, I think I will go with the bi-weekly schedule because it involves there being more puzzles.

You may be thinking, FJDLSFSD!?!?! And I'm sorry, I keep using the word "bi-weekly" without knowing what it means. When I say that I'm going to release Endlenge puzzles bi-weekly, I really mean that I'm going to release them twice a week. Sorry about that. :) Anyway, have fun with Endlenge!

Hatkirby on
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Peoples and other peoples, I present to you, Endlenge! Endlenge is yet another new website project idea thing I had. I know, I can hear the groans already, but trust me, this one is fun enough that I'll be able to keep up with it. And hey, isn't True Falsities doing well enough?

To quote the Endlenge page, "Endlenge is a puzzling website. As in, it's full of puzzles, not that it's so confusing it'll make your head explode. Endlenge is a game. You start at the beginning, with the first puzzle. Complete it, and you will find a password that allows you to unlock the next level. You would then click the link in the top right corner to go to the next puzzle and unlock it with your newly found password. And so on."

Since Endlenge has just started and I'm in the craze of a new project (remember when Pillowcase started and I had created 40 comics in about 3 days?), I'm going to be rapidly producing puzzles until the end of this weekend, after which Endlenge will update on a weekly basis (Saturdays at 6 AM EST). At some point, I may change the schedule so it updates bi-weekly, but I'm just starting out.

Anyway, try Endlenge out people! Please? It'll be fun! And, oh, to the people that completed all the puzzles up to yesterday, I have created three more already, so yay. :)

Hatkirby on
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Haiiii, this is the puzzle game I've been ranting about. It's a very simple idea, but (in my opinion), very addicting. :) Every level is a randomly generated maze, but the key is, the maze can change depending on where you are in it. This makes it difficult to see the right way to the goal, which is the blue block in the middle.

Also, after every ten levels the game gets harder. The first ten are pretty easy, but it soon gets harder. The color scheme changes every ten levels, too, just so you know why everything becomes red on level 10. :)

Last thing (I think), when you get stuck and are unable to get to the goal of a level, press escape to return to level one and start over. :)

So, now that I've rephrased my email to Blue, let me post the download link! Click here to download Maze Of Life! If you find any troubles with the game, please feel free to tell me! :)

Oh, wanted to know some scores you might want to beat? Okay, my highscore is 37. :) Sounds good, but here's the scary thing: My brother's highscore is 42. Please beat that! :)

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