on....cries.... This shouldn't have been a solitary occasion.... cries
However, we are all still happy on this day, even though we aren't together. Happy Anniversary, Four Island.
I love this site.
EDIT: Four Island actually was registered on September 22nd, even though the first post, We're up! says "December 31st 2006", that is due to the fact that I did not add dates to my blogging software until October 15th. All of the posts before and including Mailchat say "December 31st 2006" though they were all really various times in late September and early October 2007.
Also, I'd like to say how proud I am of Four Island. It's grown a lot since I created it, and I'm happy to say that there are people who regularly go on it.
EDIT: And I'm so happy for all you Four Island-addicts. I really miss you.
Blog posts tagged "holiday"
onIt's PARADOX TIEM! RUN! GAH! Sorry, but seriously, who voted NO on this weeks poll?
Yes - 6 vote(s)! No - 1 vote(s)! Huh? - 2 vote(s)! Don't care - 0 vote(s)!
In other news, you may have guessed that today's my birthday! YAYZ! Also, the weirdest thing happened this morning. (No, not as weird as the personality swap) When I woke up, I looked at the clock and it was 4:44. StRaNgE.
In other news, I am working on a SSO implementation for Four Island, which will integrate pretty much everything even further than it already is. I will give you more news when it is available.
onHorray peoples! Today's Webcomic Appreciation Day! Let's celebrate by horraying our favorite webcomics in the comments thread for this post!
In other news, the Color war is still raging pretty hard. If you haven't a clue what it is, you may want to read this Color Pencils post. Where is this war? Everywhere! In blog post comment threads, on the Fourm, Yaplet, pretty much everywhere on Four Island! Be sure to get involved, and remember which side is right!
The Fourm* is here.....
I've created a fourm for the website. You can go to it, register for free, and post what you want. Please, do so, PLEASE!!!!
Oops, sorry about that. But I'm really excited about The Fourm. Look at the above screenshot. Anyway, please go and try it! I bet it will be a wonderful way to converse and yes...
*NOTE: I am saying Fourm on purpose. On the Fourm, you are supposed to say Fourm not forum. (Four, get it?)
onHello everyone, and welcome to the new year! My name is Hatkirby, and you all knew that already! I just wanted to say a very happy new year before I am dragged off and to bed.
On random side, I was playing a game. And there was a card in it that was... strange. I'll post a picture of it when I can access one.
Anyway, good night everyone, and have a great 2008!
onWell, I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! And now, some news. With the new Floppy Disk Drive I got for Christmas, development of Ohats can finally continue. That's the good news. The bad news is... as you should know, I'm currently on a vacation. And all of my source code is... at home. Well, of course it had to happen.
But, on the brighter side, it finally gives me time to make the Ohats Project page. But... hmmm... which section would it go into? It's certainly not Windows or Flash, it's not a challenge, and it's not really experimental... I know! I'll create its own category! After all, I'll have to release things FOR Ohats as well as the OS itself!
onHELLO EVERYONE! You all should know what today is! You don't? Of course you do! It's Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas, and thank you all for being with Four Island so far! I'm sure I will merry this site up for the rest of the day! Chao for now!
onWell people, it's official. Kirby Week is over. Let's all start with four seconds of silence so we can remember the joy of this week.
OK. In other news, although Kirby Week is over, there is another holiday tomorrow! And I'm sure you know what it is!
onOooh! 12 voteeessssssss!!!!!!!!
YES! - 10 vote(s)! Mmmm... it's OK... - 2 vote(s)! NO WAY! - 0 vote(s)! What did the old one look like? - 0 vote(s)!
I hope you will all vote this time!
NOTE: Today's the last day of Kirby Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!