Okay. I have big news. INSTADISC IS BACK. Well, it's coming back. After a half year hiatus while I felt sorry for myself (and worked on FourPuzzle which I never posted about), I finally thought of something. A way for InstaDisc to work.

I seem to recall InstaDisc dying because it's Push notification only worked for a VERY small number of people (a.k.a. just me) and without Push, InstaDisc was pretty much a highly convoluted RSS replacement. However, my work on FourChat, the Yaplet replacement that never really surfaced, led me to realize an alternative to server push.


Okay, it's not actually Reverse AJAX as I'm not using JavaScript, it's Comet. But I like calling it Reverse AJAX. Anyway, Comet is the way! I have been rewriting the InstaDisc Central Server in C++ and Comet seems to work perfectly. Yayfulness.

So, you may be wondering, when will InstaDisc be completed? Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I am actually already nearly done with Central. There are only 3 API functions that I haven't yet implemented and after that, there's just the testing period.

The bad news is, along with Comet, the InstaDisc specification has changed. A lot. Because of this, the Client will have to be majorly rewritten. I'm thinking of scraping the original code and staring over in C++. So that will probably take a while. Plus, the Update Servers will also have to be rewritten, but that's not much of a problem as they're small.

So, InstaDisc is back. YAY.

Oh, and by the way, Ohats Is So Dead.

Hatkirby on July 2nd, 2009 at 8:50:05pm
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__TITLE__ Poll

Woohoo for FourFiction fanatics! FOURFICTION IS TEH LIKE OMG SADLLFH!!!!!!!! ....okay, just breathe Starla, it'll be okay.... Lol :)

YES LIKE OMG I LOVE YOU ARE YOU MADD?!?! - 3 vote(s)! no - 1 vote(s)! Jordin Sparks! - 2 vote(s)! Indifferent - 2 vote(s)!

Anyway, YAY! And like, totally a note: This week's poll isn't as random as it appears. :)

Hatkirby on June 28th, 2009 at 9:05:04am
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Lol, time for another short randomness. Today, I was thinking about how Makefiles didn't have to be used for compiling programs, that they could be used as a recipe for anything. Then I thought, "I know! Let's make a cake using a Makefile!" :)

all: cake topping
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(COMBINE) cake topping

topping: butter milk brown_sugar salt
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) butter 115g
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) milk 60ml
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) brown_sugar 220g
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) salt pinch
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(BOIL) 3m

cake: wet_mix dry_mix
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(COMBINE) wet_mix dry_mix
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(BAKE) 350F 75m
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(COOL) 10m

wet_mix: eggs sugar vegetable_oil vanilla
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(BEAT) eggs eggs eggs
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) sugar 400g
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) vegetable_oil 355ml
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) vanilla 10ml

dry_mix: flour salt baking_soda
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) flour 375g
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) salt 6g
![Image](http://other.fourisland.com/spacer.png) $(ADD) baking_soda 5g

The recipe described is the Caramel Coffee Cake from Wikibooks. Let it assemble before using the linker. Enjoy. Lol :)

A SIDENOTE: When writing this post, I was trying to indent the command lines in the Makefile so that it looked right, but I was tricked by my own code: My pre BBCode no longer preformatted the text, &nsbp; was converted into text, and the

    indent trick messed up the formatting. I tried adding a BBCode that preformatted the text, but I was unable to commit as, on my development computer, I'm currently working on the new layout for Four Island. Finally, I thought of making a transparent image and putting it on Four Island Other. It workded. :)

Hatkirby on June 23rd, 2009 at 3:32:36pm
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I haven't posted in a while, and I was feeling rather insane, so I wrote a list of ten people you don't want to receive a call from. In order from worst to best. Best being relative, because you don't want a call from them. Obviously. :) Anyway, it's a comedy. Weird. :)

  1. Samara Morgan
  2. Ellie Layton
  3. Your mother's ex-husband's son who thinks you're hot
  4. The washing machine repair guy
  5. Your toaster
  6. Charlie the Unicorn
  7. GlassCo, the leading company of making glasses of water
  8. Skype Test Call
  9. Mary Poppins
  10. Your ex-boyfriend who's now going out with your sister

Whew, that felt good. I'm way too formal on my blog, I have to let go sometimes with random posts like this. :)

EDIT: Btw, I found out what was wrong with the POTW. When I did the Facebook poll, I must've pressed submit like three times because there were three records from that poll in the table, so everything got offset and ick. I deleted the naughty records and realigned the others, so the POTW should be healthy again. :)

Hatkirby on June 21st, 2009 at 12:31:42pm
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Oh my catfooding cheesecakes! I FORGOT TO UPDATE LAST WEEK! falls off a cliff

Yes - 9 vote(s)! No - 0 vote(s)! If it's interesting... - 3 vote(s)! I vote randomly at random times and at random places because it's random - 2 vote(s)!

And yes people, something odd is going on with the Polls module. I has no clue what it is. I will check into it. Okey! :)

Hatkirby on June 20th, 2009 at 2:16:37pm
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I would've posted this earlier, but I was busy.... breathing. Right, I was very busy inhaling and exhaling. Good for the respiration, you know. :)

Anyway, FOUR FICTION! It's a fiction archive! For Four Island authors! LIKE OMG TEH YAYNESS! sings a song about pillows

Right, well, I don't know how much more I can say about this.... Oh, and, I won't be able to post a link to it the sidebar yet because I'm currently working on a new layout for Four Island.... Oops, shouldn't've (???? that works much better in speech) said that.... um, don't tell anyone, right? :)

Hatkirby on June 15th, 2009 at 12:42:58pm
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Right, this is a short post to demonstrate my insane obsession with the fourth episode of the second season of the new Doctor Who, The Girl In The Fireplace. I was playing with Nonsense and it randomly generated this:

#853 + (763) - [X]

Tamasys: I am talking to Pyro in a fireplace.

Omg! TimTam's The Doctor and Pyro's the Madame du Pompadour! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?

Hatkirby on June 14th, 2009 at 7:57:28pm
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Just a quick notice about Endlenge: Two weeks ago, when Endlenge started, I said that I was going to rapidly release puzzles until May 30th, and then I'd release them on either a weekly or a bi-weekly schedule. First of all, I already broke then schedule: I didn't stop rapidly releasing puzzles until June 7th. Second, I think I will go with the bi-weekly schedule because it involves there being more puzzles.

You may be thinking, FJDLSFSD!?!?! And I'm sorry, I keep using the word "bi-weekly" without knowing what it means. When I say that I'm going to release Endlenge puzzles bi-weekly, I really mean that I'm going to release them twice a week. Sorry about that. :) Anyway, have fun with Endlenge!

Hatkirby on June 10th, 2009 at 2:26:58pm
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Loverly Poll

YAY PEOPLE LOVE ME!!!! :D <3 I love you too :)

Exactly one. I hate you. - 0 vote(s)! About ten? You need a facelift. - 0 vote(s)! Fifty to a hundred hits? Your hair needs work. - 1 vote(s)! Too many to count! I totally love you! - 5 vote(s)!

So..... Endlenge. :)

Hatkirby on May 30th, 2009 at 1:49:21pm
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Peoples and other peoples, I present to you, Endlenge! Endlenge is yet another new website project idea thing I had. I know, I can hear the groans already, but trust me, this one is fun enough that I'll be able to keep up with it. And hey, isn't True Falsities doing well enough?

To quote the Endlenge page, "Endlenge is a puzzling website. As in, it's full of puzzles, not that it's so confusing it'll make your head explode. Endlenge is a game. You start at the beginning, with the first puzzle. Complete it, and you will find a password that allows you to unlock the next level. You would then click the link in the top right corner to go to the next puzzle and unlock it with your newly found password. And so on."

Since Endlenge has just started and I'm in the craze of a new project (remember when Pillowcase started and I had created 40 comics in about 3 days?), I'm going to be rapidly producing puzzles until the end of this weekend, after which Endlenge will update on a weekly basis (Saturdays at 6 AM EST). At some point, I may change the schedule so it updates bi-weekly, but I'm just starting out.

Anyway, try Endlenge out people! Please? It'll be fun! And, oh, to the people that completed all the puzzles up to yesterday, I have created three more already, so yay. :)

Hatkirby on May 29th, 2009 at 6:09:17pm
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