Oh yes. I, the cooliest. Feelings so to be good appreciated, to be yes.

yes almightly starla, i worship your shadow - 4 vote(s)! It's disgusting stature makes me want to create ThreeIsland.com - 0 vote(s)! Why does love always feel like a battlefield? - 0 vote(s)! Indifferent - 1 vote(s)!

As a sidenote, some of you fanatics may have noticed that Pillowcase stopped updated a few days ago. Sadly, due to unforseen circumstances, I have temporarily lost SSH access to my server and can't update Pillowcase as such, so I guess Season 2 is coming to an end. It was fun restarting my little random comic, and I can't wait to do it again in a month or so. PILLOWCASE FTW!

Hatkirby on August 22nd, 2009 at 5:13:31am
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Lol, it seems I accidentally thought Friday was Saturday and update the POTW a day early. Weird. Oops, Ima Silly. :) Anyway.... what was I going to say in this post? Yes, I just wanted to mention that I had added FourFiction to the sidebar so random people can find it. I've also written Chapter 9 of my story, Dreams Are Magic, in case anyone's interested in reading it. FourFiction pretty much died when I went away and I hope to revive it because it's a pretty cool place, if I do say so myself. :)

Hatkirby on August 17th, 2009 at 4:38:12pm
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Many people ask me repeatedly, "what's KSA?" Then I ask them how on earth they know that name, and they reply that I talk about it all the time. Then I feel weird for forgetting that. For some reason, I've always kept pretty much everything about KSA completely secret. But now, I'm going release that information and more.

KSA stands for Kirby Star's Adventures, and it was the first RPG I had ever made. What made it stand out from the rest of my old games was it's plot, which I fell in love with. The game reached lore status in my book and I was happy that I had managed to make such a good game.

Then there came that one fateful day in 2008. I was sitting in front of my old, dying computer. I had booted into a Linux OS from a floppy disk in an attempt to save precious documents from my doomed computer. As the hard drive started to crash, I frantically copied folders from the computer to my memory stick. Halfway through each transaction, the hard drive would spit out an IO error and stop copying. After this happening four times, the fragile hard drive uttered a final wheeze and crumbled into nothingness. My old computer, with so many important things on it, was dead.

When I returned to my normal computer later that day and checked what I had managed to save, I found two VB.NET games I had made, a copy of RM2K and a folder called "tehadks". I had interpreted that to mean "Teh Adventures of Kirby Star," and I was overjoyed that I had managed to save KSA from my dying computer. When I opened the project in RM2K, however, it became apparent that I hadn't. The Adventures of Kirby Star, while having a similar name to Kirby Star's Adventures, was a different (and not so legendary) RPG I had made back in the old day. I was defeated, my game lost to the void of electrons.

A few months ago, I was looking around in my home folder after my boot manager's configuration files got messed up and I was determining which files to save when I reinstalled the operating system. I came across the folder "pc2lap", astonishingly contained those four folders: "arden", "ARDEN UN", "progfil" and "tehadks". The sight of Teh Adventures of Kirby Star made me really miss KSA, so I decided that I would do everything I could to recreate it. Thus, the KSA Restoration Project was created. I wrote down everything I could remember from the game and then got my brother to do the same as he was a frequent player of the game. However, I wasn't yet motivated enough to do anything with that data.

Two months later, I came across the mind-dump and remembered KSA for the third time. This time, however, I was driven to recreate the game because of my fond memories of it. I did end up completing most of it, substituting forgotten explanations for humor (Kirby: ....well, Starla didn't tell me exactly what to do here so I guess we'll just do some random errands for you. Witch: Good, because Starla never told me how I got you to do said errands for me) but it just didn't feel right tarnishing the game's memory with something that might not have been as good as the original. Because of this, I stopped work on the project again.

However, all was not lost. Some of you may have seen my Facebook status update last week. If not, here it is:

Starla Insigna is freaking out with excitement because she just found a folder called KSA on her computer that could contain the real original KSA. I'm going over to Windows to check it out :)"

Starla Insigna

I had found "pc2lap" again and decided to do some sifting. The Arden games didn't turn up anything (other than the fact that my old VB.NET games' code was.... scary), but "progfil" (which I assume to be DOS' shortening of Program Files) did turn up something rather interesting. The only folder within Program Files that had started to copy over to my memory stick was one called ASCII, which is the company that made RM2K. I found an empty folder called "RTP" and one called "Project", which I had previously assumed to contain the RM2K example game, Don Miguel's Adventure. However, when I looked inside the folder, I was shocked and amazed to instead find a folder called KSA. I freaked out and restarted into Windows to see if it was, truly was, KSA.

The state of the project was similar to that of "tehadks", while all of the maps were intact as well as some of the resources, the database was gone. This meant that the game couldn't be played, though I still could open the game in RM2K and look through the maps. They were all there, completely intact, and I was so happy. All of the terrain, the characters, the conversations, the events, it was all there. The complete plot of KSA, as well as the original maps, were all at my disposal.

Because the original was unplayable, I decided that I would continue working on the remake. I wouldn't have to feel bad about ruining the memory because I now had the complete transcript of the original happenings. I even had the bright idea of letting you choose at the beginning of the game whether you would like to see the original dialogue or the humorous version. KSA will (hopefully) be fun when it is finished. So yippy yay yap, I can't wait to finish it and let you readers tell me what you think.

Hatkirby on August 15th, 2009 at 12:33:41pm
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Yikes, this poll was scary. The lack of three of the options resulted from a typo on my side, I accidentally pressed ENTER instead of TAB after typing the first option and at that point, my admin panel didn't let me edit polls, I actually would've had to go into my server and modify the database. Now, my new admin panel does let me edit polls, so this weird poll shouldn't happen again. What, what? I like weird polls! Anyways, here are the results!

Go eat a flying glass of water - 3 vote(s)! - 1 vote(s)! - 1 vote(s)! - 0 vote(s)!

Yeah, kind of weird. Anyway, YAY! I am still enjoying the new Layout, and I lovvveeee the new admin panel! :D

Hatkirby on August 14th, 2009 at 10:11:17am
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Layout Judgement Week is over, welcome new layout! Layout 7 is here to stay.... for a while.... until I get bored again.... :)

Though nobody made a single comment on my post (IM SO HURT!!!!!!!!!) I gathered from that that you liked it. Plus, I found a few bugs that had made their way into production and squashed them! :)

You may have noticed the short downtime that just occured: that was me, I had rewitten my ubiquitous admin panel and needed to make a few database changes. But now it's up again!

Like oh em gee! Time for the mandatory layout nostalgia that always comes with a new layout! This time, it's about length of existence! I was talking to Drifty the other day and was randomly measuring the lengths of the layouts. And I'm astonished to find out that Layout 3, unlike I had led everyone to believe, is not the longest lasting layout.

Let's measure them in two categories: major layouts and minor layouts. Major layouts being 1, 3, 4, 6 and the rest, minor being those plus their derivatives like 6.1. For this experiment, I will be considering Layout 2 a minor layout of Layout 1 as there really was no major change there. Layout 4 in The New Four Island is considered 4.5. Layout 2 doesn't have any definitive date as there was no blog post about it so it is measured with Layout 1.

Let's start with minor layouts. Layouts 1 & 2 together lasted 72 days. Seems long, but wait. My long worshipped Layout 3 lasted for 150 days! Very long. Layout 4 (my favorite layout) first existed for 13 days before being rudely interrupted by the disgraceful Layout 5, which lasted only 8 days. Layout 4 then picked up again with another 20 days, bringing Layout 4's total existence to 33 days.

Then the New Four Island arrived, and so did Layout 4.5, which lasted four an astounding 165 days. So far, 4.5 is the winner. But wait! Next came Layout 6, which lasted a measly 39 days, soon followed by Layout 6.1, which only lasted 34. But then, the sun was blocked out by the massive layout to follow. Layout 6.2, our most recent layout, lasted for a huge 184 days. Layout 6.2 is the winner for minor layouts!

Here we go with major layouts! Layout 1, as stated previously, lasted 72 days. Nothing much to boast about. Layout 3 then lasted 150 days, bringing it to the lead. Wait, what's that? It's Layout 4! Layout 4 lasted an amazing 198 days before leaving. However, the undoubtedly longest living major layout ever on Four Island (so far) was Layout 6, with a massive 257 days of life.

YAY that was fun. Isn't Four Island history fun? Well, nostalgic me thinks so. :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new layout of Four Island!

Hatkirby on August 13th, 2009 at 6:58:15pm
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Hiya all! I'm sure you've noticed something rather different about Four Island, I made a new layout! No, it's not the long awaited three-column layout that Bluemonkey prophesied while standing in the Sahara Desert, surrounded by raging sand-winds, one day. No, it's simply Layout 7, a pretty unique Four Island look as it has several things different between it and the previous 4 major layouts. (I don't generally count Hatkirby CDI, Layout 2 or Layout 5 as major layouts, really.)

The biggest difference is probably that it just looks so different from the other layouts. The other layouts had a banner, a navbar, and content down the middle. This one is more, full screen. The banner is at the very top, the sidebar-ish thing is at the very left, and the content is floating in the middle of the remaining space with the navbar sitting contentfully above it. It's not another centered layout, ladies and gentlemen. :) Plus, the glaglaglada of "Recent Comments", "Recent Fourm Posts", "Recent Whatevers" that have annoyed people in the sidebar have also moved, they now reside in the footer, looking pretty nice, I think. :)

Also, because I'm now using more space for the site, The Fourm doesn't replace the sidebar. It's still right there, looking happeh in it's surroundings, eating a lot of cheese. And Fouripedia is like, totally gone. For now. Maybe.

For some reason, whenever I write a new layout, I always end up doing a TON of work around Four Island. Here's something I'm very happy about: I rewrote a lot of the Quotes module, so now it looks a TON prettier and it works a lot better now. Plus, I've added AJAX so you can vote on quotes and flag quotes without leaving the page! Speaking of AJAX, yes, I took it too far! Now you can do a ton of stuff without leaving the page such as voting on the Poll Of The Week, commenting on anything and voting on blog posts! YAY AJAX! You can see the rest of the changes I made at source control.

And as I bet some people (whisper) will notice, Four Island no longer uses HTML. It now uses XHTML! It was gasps very annoying gasps going through my templates gasps and lowercasing all of the gasps tags. Lol :)

I hope you people like Layout 7, and that's what Layout Judgement Week is. I sort of did Layout Judgement Week for Layout 6 too, but I didn't tell anyone about it which is why it sort of omg failed.

Layout Judgement Week is the first week following the release of a new layout. During this time, I'd love it if you could traverse my site and see if you like the new layout. If you do, please comment on this post and tell me so! If there are any changes you would like me to make, just tell me! If you don't like it, after the week has completed, I'll revert to Layout 6, but I like this layout, so I hope you do too. :)

Hatkirby on August 9th, 2009 at 9:50:44am
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Um, omigod. We've had this same poll for like four weeks or something. Shame on me. NO! OUCH, THAT HURTS! STOPP!! stops going crazy Anyway, YAY C++! I <3 C++! It is a good langu-Segmentation fault.

YES - 5 vote(s)! Ugh! I mean, like, ick! - 0 vote(s)! Number Nine - 2 vote(s)! Indifferent - 4 vote(s)!

And about today's poll, the lack of the lower three options was the result of pressing enter at the wrong time. And as my hosts file currently points my PhpMyAdmin domain to the dev database (as I'm working on the super secret Layout 7), I sooooo can't be bothered fixing it. So, have fun voting on invisible options! :)

Hatkirby on August 8th, 2009 at 9:02:24am
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So, as I've said a ton, I'm totally at camp. Yes. But like, I have like totally a lot of free time! And, well, while looking around for something to do, I noticed that this computer has Adobe Flash installed, and more importantly, activated. I have a copy of Flash on my computer but I sadly lost the activation key (WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!??!?!), so I took this as a happy opportunity. :)

So, I gathered my parodying skills and wrote a script of a short video that would be a parody of Kirby, I Wanna Be The Guy, the song Umbrella by Rihanna and Saturday Night Live's "Dear Sister" sketch (I'm OBSESSED with the song in it). So like totally, using my trusty friends Visual Boy Advance, CamStudio, Audacity and Flash, I made a video!

I totally uploaded it onto YouTube. WATCH IT NOW OR DIIEEEE. jk :) But, watch it! Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVWRGPUSPUI Fav it, rate it, comment it, hug me, whatever, but watch it! It was fun to make and I think it's pretty funny, so watch.

Sorry about the bad quality, by the way. The original SWF looks better, but Flash wasn't going to let me convert it to a YouTube supported format without a fight. The QuickTime one went all red halfway through so I ended up exporting to a multi-gigabyte AVI file which was then converted to a 10 megabyte WMV file. Odd. I probably will upload the original SWF to Four Island Other when I get back from camp so you can watch the video in all it's glory.

I totally hope to make more videos because this one was fun to make, and I REALLY hope that Adobe has some sort of "I lost my activation key" service because I need that program. :)

Hatkirby on July 22nd, 2009 at 2:21:06pm
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NO NO NO. If you are making a funtastic level game like Karoshi, even though it may seem like a good idea, Level 49 of Karoshi 2.0 was a mistake. In case you are clueless, it involved you putting an Audio CD in your disk drive and stepping on a blue button in the level, which plays the first track on the disk and then advances you to the next level.

Ummmmmm no. Not everybody has an Audio CD. Not everybody has a CD drive. Not everybody cares enough to go out to the store, buy a blank CD-R, search their hard drive for a random song, download a program that burns CD Audio (Red Book is surprisingly nothing like any other CD format) and then burn the song.

However, I am insane. Lol. I reeeaallly wanted to beat that level so I thought "Hey, why don't I create an ISO file and mount it as a second CD drive?"

Ummmm no. First, WINDOWS IS EVIL. I'm stuck with Windows this week and Windows didn't want to help. I eventually found a program that mounted ISO files on Windows, but it was terrible and ended up being worthless. Apparently Red Book CDs cannot come in ISO files. Gah.

So, after a whole ton of false turns and ffsdfsdfdsfs, I discovered the solution. I downloaded Virtual CD (sadly, it's a trial) and CDRWIN (also a trial, gahness, but I really only needed to do this once :) ). CDRWIN is a simple program that lets you burn various types of CDs, including the elusive Red Book format. Virtual CD is a fake drive management program. Very useful.

First, I opened Virtual CD and created a fake burner, a fake CD drive with write capability. Then I clicked "Create a blank virtual medium" in the "Burn" menu and filled out the form so as to create a blank writable virtual CD in the virtual CD burner. Next, I opened CDRWIN and burned a simple Audio CD with one song I found on my memory stick (Christmas Canon by The Trans Siberian Orchestra) and burned it to the virtual CD burner.

Finally, in Virtual CD, I mounted the CD image created by the virtual CD burner onto the REAL CD drive. When I opened Karoshi, the stereo triumphantly did not state "NO CD" and I watched in happiness as the sound waves from the stereo pushed a safe onto my character.

Yes, I feel like omg cool yo. O_O That was weird, but YAY I DID IT. Lol, this post is going insane. Anyway, yes, I mounted a virtual Audio CD on a real CD drive. Funness. :)

Hatkirby on July 8th, 2009 at 6:38:33pm
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KSA Poll

Ummmm I forgot to update the poll again! Don't hurt me! Anyway, last week's poll wasn't as randomly insane as it looked. It was a reference to KSA. :)

Yes - 4 vote(s)! No - 1 vote(s)! Ummm..... head asplodes - 4 vote(s)! Go away - 1 vote(s)!

Hatkirby on July 6th, 2009 at 8:46:50am
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