Pyro: I took your pen to an excursion to my bag! Drifty: It's that significant? Pyro: *picks up pen and her iPod* [as Pen] Hi, iPod! Pyro: [as Pen, to Drifty] God, that iPod is so fat.
* Gryphic is cool. * Hatkirby agrees * Gryphic is being strangled by headphones * Hatkirby runs for help * Gryphic is saved * Hatkirby is relieved * Gryphic is bursting * Hatkirby thinks Gryphic has to go to the bathroom
Hatkirby: Like my new avatar? Gryphic: *looks* Gryphic: ... Gryphic: Ask... TimTam. Hatkirby: He's not on Tamasys: lols @ hats avitar Hatkirby: Thanks? Gryphic: ... I dunno whether to force you to change it back Gryphic: or to laugh insanely. Gryphic: ... Hatkirby: Laugh insanely Hatkirby: I like it Gryphic: ... Hatkirby: DON'T LAUGH AT ME BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT Gryphic: ... Tamasys: ok. i'll laugh coz ur the same! Hatkirby: ....k Hatkirby: as who? Hatkirby: Oh, yes, Charolette Gryphic: ... Gryphic: You are too enthusiastic about things, Gryphic: you go "YAY THINGS" Gryphic: ... Gryphic: The skirt... Gryphic: I think... I'll take a nap now... Hatkirby: IS PRETTY
Gryphic: I think you two may be soul-siblings. Pyro: We're siblings? Pyro: Ok, in that case Pyro: I hate you. Starla: .... Starla: Thanks. [/sarcastic]
Student: Class participation counts as a homework grade? Hatkirby: What? Teacher: Yes, obviously. Hatkirby: What? Student: Why? Teacher: Because it's part of your homework? Hatkirby: What? Teacher: Are you OK? Student: Me or him? Teacher: Him. Hatkirby: But homework isn't class participation! *fizzle* Student: Oh, if it was me I'd say no because I'm loopy!