#92 Up +30/-24 Down
Tamasys: lol. my spellchecker just told me that 'dissapear' should be spelt:
Tamasys: clearing-house
Tamasys: childrearing
Tamasys: God-fearing
Tamasys: clearing-houses
Tamasys: and
Tamasys: daringness
Tamasys: lol
#136 Up +23/-17 Down
RealityCheck: Pyro, look, TimTam!
TaMACsys: humph!
BlueM937: ooh look, a Tim Tam
Pyro: *goes to poke timtam*
* BlueM937 eats a tim tam
TaMACsys: ogd
#140 Up +25/-19 Down
Pyro: yay less people to gard Timtam
BlueM937: ah, i installed a remote locking system
Pyro: woooooo?
BlueM937: its modified from a bomb robot, so it should just be able to handly u guys
BlueM937: LOL
RealityCheck: What?
RealityCheck: II don't poke TimTam, Pyro does!
RealityCheck: But it;s really funny seeing a flock of y10s running from a litle y8
BlueM937: my newest invention: the TDF
BlueM937: Tamasys Defence System
RealityCheck: Lol, "and here is a flock of Year Tens feasting, oh, look, a Year Eight is creeping up on them, they're flying away!"
BlueM937: ...yes well, its mainly tame that runs
BlueM937: and us that laffs
BlueM937: hey... Tamasys Defence System doesnt make TDF...
BlueM937: oops
BlueM937: sssshhh
RealityCheck: LOL!
RealityCheck: "A flock of Year Tens in their natural habitat"
Pyro: *giggles*
BlueM937: hey pyro, u should meet my friend, hes the pigeon lord
BlueM937: pigeons are his secret minions
RealityCheck: Pyro, he's the Evil Pigeon Leader!
Pyro: *throws up omg omg omg screams *
Pyro: *runs away*
#153 Up +25/-19 Down
Drifty: Nothing much seems to be happening
Hatkirby: awww
Hatkirby: let's get active!
Drifty: I can hear the "EWWS"
Hatkirby: OMG EWWW
#171 Up +30/-24 Down
* Hatkirby is listening to Take a Bow by Rihanna
* Drifty is listening to There She Goes
Drifty: Which is awesome
* Drifty is listening to a song that may be about drugs
* Hatkirby is listening to a good song
* Hatkirby by Rihanna
Hatkirby: LOL
Hatkirby: um
Hatkirby: ....
Drifty: Hatkirby by Ruhanna?
Hatkirby: LOL
Drifty: That must be an AWESOME song!
Drifty: literally lol
* Hatkirby is literally lolling here
#187 Up +36/-30 Down
Smiley: does cat /vmlinuz > /dev/audio
Smiley: actually do anything
Hatkirby: That echos the contents of the Linux kernel to the speakers
Smiley: yay for cat
Hatkirby: Basicaly, it makes your computer sound like it's giving birth
Smiley: i want to try that
Hatkirby: But ther have always been jokes on the interwebs tu tttttttttttttttttrun that c listen to the Linuree the hatever lul
Hatkirby: WOW
Hatkirby: Thatwas messed up!
#202 Up +32/-26 Down
Hatkirby: Heyyyy, TimTam, you can't pinchpunch, its not first of the month for you
Hatkirby: but i canz
Hatkirby: *EVIL SMILE*
Drifty: Oh dear
* Hatkirby is scan now
Hatkirby: ....ok maybe not
#223 Up +42/-36 Down
Tamasys: I had Love Story stuck in my head all yesterday
Hatkirby: :D
Hatkirby: YAY TAY!
Drifty: Yaytay?
Hatkirby: Tay = nickname for Taylor Swift
Hatkirby: That's what we call her on t-swift.com
* Drifty hides from all the Taylor Swift fangirls
Timbo94: *coughs*
* Ozzyfrog hides with drifty
Drifty: O_O
Hatkirby: Hey, it's better than being a Twilight fangirl
Timbo94: "fangirls"?
Timbo94: *coughs*
* Drifty curls up and whimpers
* Drifty hides from the Taylor Swift fan...people
Timbo94: YOU MUST DIE!
Hatkirby: LOOOL
* Drifty runs away and hides behind Ozzyfrog
#269 Up +29/-23 Down
[5:47:46 PM] Drifty says: Eliz, say something - I think you're dead
[5:47:54 PM] Tamesis says: indeed
[5:48:21 PM] Pyro is upset because Timtam seams to enjoy being safe from pokes
[5:49:37 PM] Tamesis says: :D:D:D
[5:49:40 PM] Tamesis says: YES
[5:49:54 PM] Drifty says: That shouldn't stop you though, Eliz
[5:50:22 PM] Pyro says: oh ok
[5:50:28 PM] Pyro have evil idea
[5:50:34 PM] Tamesis says: o...
[5:50:35 PM] Tamesis says: god...
[5:50:38 PM] Drifty says: It's has, not have
[5:50:39 PM] Pyro goes to make a phone call
[5:50:59 PM] Pyro says: you will never be safe again Timtam
[5:51:11 PM] Tamesis says: ... o.O
#285 Up +20/-14 Down
Somebody: You can either have ice cream or pecan tart
Starla: Oooh, what's that like?
Somebody Else: It's like pie.
Starla: I like pie!
Everybody Else: ....
Starla: Oh god, I said it.