#232Up+37/-16DownMarch 30 2009 at 11:37:11 am EDT#334Up+40/-19DownFebruary 28 2010 at 12:36:58 am EST
[7:31:25 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is listening to Have You Got It In You? by Imogen Heap [7:32:00 PM] Pyro: ROFL [7:32:07 PM] Pyro: thats what she said [7:33:53 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: whut? [7:33:57 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: OH GOD [7:34:05 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: i get it [7:34:22 PM] Pyro: Lmao [7:34:25 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo but I liked this song [7:35:02 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: ahhhhhh now I'm going to think that everytime i hear the song [7:35:13 PM] Pyro: hahaha [7:37:41 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: *cries* [7:37:52 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: lol [7:38:02 PM] Pyro: sorry :) [7:38:11 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is listening to Can't Take It In by Imogen Heap [7:38:23 PM] Pyro: LOL [7:38:31 PM] Starla Alice Insigna: oh you are KIDDING ME!!!!!! [7:38:44 PM] Starla Alice Insigna is rofling now
Tamasys: grr. the laptop is vibrating while it burns that dick Hatkirby: HAHAHAH Tamasys: OMGOMGOMGOMG Tamasys: i did not mean to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamasys: ZOMG!!!! Tamasys: ONOZ!!!! Tamasys: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Hatkirby: HAHAHH * Tamasys runs in circles Hatkirby: MUST QUOTE THAT
(08:02:12 PM) Hatkirby: Fourie: inventory (08:02:12 PM) ***Fourie contains nothing. (08:02:24 PM) Hatkirby: How are you? (08:02:24 PM) Fourie: Quite well, actually, I just acquired Hatkirby's virginity (08:02:25 PM) ***DriftyBeyond puts Tamasys in Fourie (08:02:25 PM) ***Fourie now contains Tamasys. (08:02:27 PM) Hatkirby: O_O (08:02:29 PM) DriftyBeyond: O_O (08:02:38 PM) ***Hatkirby IS LOLLING (08:02:49 PM) Hatkirby: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN (08:02:52 PM) DriftyBeyond: Did you tell him to say that? (08:03:06 PM) DriftyBeyond: botsmack (08:03:06 PM) Fourie: >.<* (08:03:20 PM) Hatkirby: I'm hoping that it's some type of template that was preinstalled on him and not that someone actually added that to him (08:03:28 PM) DriftyBeyond: Me too (08:03:46 PM) Hatkirby: Fourie: inventory (08:03:47 PM) Fourie: I am carrying Hatkirby's virginity and Tamasys. (08:03:47 PM) DriftyBeyond: Or else we may have to watch Fourie more carefully (08:03:53 PM) Hatkirby: Interesting (08:03:53 PM) Fourie: You think that's interesting? Wait until you hear about the time I sprained my table! (08:03:53 PM) DriftyBeyond: O_O (08:03:57 PM) Hatkirby: It's an item, loffle (08:04:10 PM) DriftyBeyond: Lol! (08:04:10 PM) Fourie: No, no you're not. (08:04:31 PM) ***DriftyBeyond takes Hatkirby's virginity (08:04:36 PM) Hatkirby: O_O (08:04:42 PM) DriftyBeyond: wait, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT (08:04:45 PM) Hatkirby: LOL (08:04:51 PM) DriftyBeyond: I just wanted to take it from Fourie! (08:04:59 PM) Hatkirby: Right.... (08:05:01 PM) Hatkirby: :P (08:05:11 PM) DriftyBeyond: No, really! *is loling out loud*
#331Up+36/-19DownFebruary 13 2010 at 01:28:51 am EST
Drifty: I want to do something creative, but I don't have the drive D: Hatkirby: You can use the drive C too, you know Drifty: lolwut Hatkirby: LOL I CRACK MYSELF UP Hatkirby: like C:\ Drifty: lolyeaaaaah
#310Up+53/-37DownJanuary 04 2010 at 02:18:15 pm EST
Ozzyfrog: *shifty* BleuM937: shifty? Ozzyfrog: mmm BleuM937: is that like drifty, except evil? Ozzyfrog: *shifty* BleuM937: -er Ozzyfrog: quite evil Ozzyfrog: Ozzyfrog: but not quite that evil BleuM937: not as evil as drifty BleuM937: i see Ozzyfrog: no way
Pyro: I can't believe the teachers are making us sit on the floor. The floor is beneath us! Drifty: *lols* Yes, the floor IS beneath us. Pyro: I meant it in the degrading way!
Gryphic: And Tetrigi Gryphic: is stuck in my mind Gryphic: D*MN HIM Gryphic: yaplet: Last message sent 0 min. ago yaplet: Welcome to The Fourm Smiley: d*mn who Gryphic: *silence* Gryphic: HATKIRBY Gryphic: and he ain't here Gryphic: to go Hatkirby: PROFANITY!!!!!!!!! Hatkirby: HA! * Hatkirby is literally LOLing Gryphic: Oh. Gryphic: You should quote that.
#324Up+38/-25DownJanuary 25 2010 at 12:53:40 am EST
Tamasys: allo Starla: HALLO Tamasys: ohai Starla: MY EYES WONT OPEN Tamasys: ONOZ Starla: WHO AM I TALKING TO Tamasys: TURN TEXT TO SPEACH ON!!! Starla: HANG ON, LET ME TRY TEXT TO SPEECH Starla: TIMTAM!